Episode 4- Personal Healing With Heidy Morales

On this latest episode we sat down with Heidy Morales, Natural Healer, Health, Life Coach & Founder of Tiempo de Ser. Heidy shares with us her journey of personal healing after dealing with Postpartum Depression. Learn more about this beautiful Mexicana as she shares her wisdom and knowledge that she has learned along the way.

Tiempo de Ser https://www.facebook.com/tiempodesertiempodeser




Mama of the Week: Kenia Varela


We are honored to have interview an amazing mother and our very first Mama Of The Week. Kenia is from Chihuahua, Mexico and came to the U.S at age 17. She has 4 beautiful children and is also expecting by the beginning of June. This is a Mamita that if asked for help she will go out of her way to lend you a hand. Motherhood has not always been so easy for her. She has had high risk pregnancies and through her faith she has been able to overcome many of her challenges. We sat down with her to ask her a few questions about motherhood and life.16788354_1610173672332858_1212117927_n

ML: How would your childhood friends describe you?
KV:  Servicial, positiva, inteligente jaja.., y muy trabajadora / Helpful, positive, intelligent lol .., and very hardworking

ML: When you were a little girl, how did you dream about being a mother? What did you see for yourself?
KV: Ser paciente, una casa llena de niños , y realmente ser como lo soy ahora. / Being patient, a house full of children, and really be as I am now.

ML: What questions would you ask your mother?
KV: Preguntarle, Cuál fue la decicion mas dificil que tuvo de tomar cuando estuvo casada. / Ask her what was the most difficult decision she had to make when she was married.

ML: Outside of family members, who inspires you the most?
KV: Mi suegra / My Mother In Law

ML: What is better about the world today than were you were growing up?
KV: La tecnologia asi puedo pagar mis billes / Technology so I can pay my bills online

ML: What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
KV: Cada uno de mis hijos / Each of my children

ML: What did you love about pregnancy?
KV: El apetito que te da con el embarazo. Con mi hija la mas grande podria vivir el resto del embarazo comiendo platanos, y tortas de jamon. / The appetite that comes with the pregnancy. With my oldest daughter I could had eaten bananas, and tortas with ham my whole pregnancy.


ML: If you can go back in time what advice would you have given yourself when you were a first time mom?
KV: Tomar mucha agua, no comer tanta sal, caminar mucho, no comer pan y en especial concentrarme en respirar cuando tenga contracciones. / Drink plenty of water, do not eat as much salt, walk a lot, do not eat bread and especially concentrate on breathing when you have contractions.

ML: If you could go back in time to any period in history, where would you go and why?
KV: Me hubiera gustado vivir cuando vinieron los españoles a México. Cuando se usaban los corsets y los vestidos antiguos con su sombrilla. / I would have liked to live when the Spaniards came to Mexico. When they used the corsets and the old dresses with their umbrella.

ML: What advice would you want your children to always remember?
KV: Vivir una vida honesta sin mentira y mentirse a sí mismo. Lo más honesto que puedan ser. / Live an honest life without lying to others and yourself. As honest as they can be.

ML: What has given you the most joy as a mother?
KV: Que cada uno de mis embarazos se han desarrollado, al tener a mis hijos. / That each of my pregnancies have developed, by having my children

ML: What’s the hardest thing about being a mother?
KV: Cuando se enferman mis hijos al mismo tiempo. También las decisiones de ellos cuando no siguen los consejos, y cuando no me comprenden / When my children get sick at the same time. Also the decisions they make when they do not follow the advice, and when they do not understand me

ML: What’s the most rewarding about being a mother?
KV: Cuando están chicos y son felices, cuando logran sus éxitos, y cuando van bien en las materias. / When they are little and they are happy, when they achieve their goals, and when they get good grades.

ML: What does Motherhood mean to you?
KV: Es más allá de ser responsable de un individuo, es el don divino que nos dio Dios tanto como crear en el vientre como enseñar en el camino de tomar en la vida. Es una bendición ser mama. / It is beyond of being responsible for an individual, it is a divine gift that God has given us to be able to create in the womb, to teaching them the way of life. It is a blessing to be MOM.

If you know a mama who you would like to see featured on Mama Latina Connect, please either leave a comment below or leave a message on contact page.

Episode 3- Keeping Your Marriage Strong With Gigi Turley

It’s Valentine’s Day week and we are celebrating the month of LOVE by having our first guest, Gigi Turley. She shares with us some wisdom that she has learned along the way with her own marriage and the many people she has helped on how to build a STRONG and HEALTHY Marriage, how important it is to LOVE your relationship and ways to keep that SPARK alive… because let’s be honest it’s easy to get lost with everything else that gets thrown into our daily lives. We also share some facts about Heart Disease Awareness Month and how Hispanic women are at greater risk.


2017 has started and I’m sure you probably have started the year with a few goals in mind. Some of those goals I’m sure will be forgotten a few weeks or months from now, but what can you do to keep this dreams alive and on check throughout the year? ¡Muy simple!, put a vision board together for 2017.

So you ask ¿Que es un vision board?, well a vision board as I like to put is a fun visual way of looking at your goals day after day.

The process of creating a vision board is very unique to each one of us, some people cut out pictures from magazines to represent the things they want to obtain in the upcoming year, others draw things out, or print out in wording goals or declarations of things they believe and hope to remember each year. It’s also a fun activity to do with your kids, ¡Imaginate! each one of your kids creating their own vision board for the coming year! 

Okay so, What do you do once you have your vision board? 

  1. Put it somewhere where you can look at it every day. This doesn’t mean hide it behind the door or put it in your closet where you probably won’t ever see it, I mean put it on your fridge so you look at it every time you go grab a snack, Or next to your mirror so you look at it before you put on your make up.
  2. The following is very important you need to read aloud all your goals or declarations. Por ejemplo, one of my goals is to eat healthier and be healthier this year, so I will either have a picture of someone eating healthy or exercising, I might have words saying “I’m going to eat healthy and be healthy”, Read them out loud, visualize yourself already being healthier, maybe visualize yourself being tone and in shape! You get el punto, believe it and be loud about it.
  3. Ladies, last but not least making your dreams a reality requires hard work! Don’t just Dream, make your dreams, your goals, things you wish for a reality. Go the extra mile, put in the hours, do your research, don’t take no for an answer, improve, improvise, leave your comfort zone and try new things.

Mis mejores deseos, and best vibes sent your way for this upcoming 2017.